All sessions listed below operate during school term-time unless otherwise stated. Some clubs and projects offer sessions during school holidays on a needs basis and are generally advertised closer to the time.

Peel Youth Centre

Shore Road, Peel

Day Time Age
Monday 9.30am to 11.30am Parents and toddlers
Monday 6pm to 8pm School Years 5+
Monday LGBTQ+
4pm to 6pm School Years 7+
Wednesday 6pm to 7.30pm School Years 4-6
Friday 1pm to 3pm Parent and toddlers
Friday 6pm to 7.30pm School Year 4-6
Friday 7.30pm to 9.00pm School Years 7-9
Saturday Football
Tommy Clucas Community Sports Hall
6pm to 9pm School Years 7+

Peel Clothworkers

Peel Clothworkers Primary School

Day Time Age
Wednesday 6pm to 7.30pm School Years 4-6


St.Johns School Youth Wing.

Time Age
Tuesday 6pm to 7.30pm School Years 3-6
Tuesday 7.30pm to 9pm School Years 7-9


Foxdale Primary School

Day Time Age
Tuesday 6pm to 7.30pm School Years 4-6
Tuesday 7.30pm to 8.30pm School Years 7-9

Kirk Michael

Kirk Michael School Youth Wing

Day Time Age
Monday 5.30pm to 7pm School Years 4-6
Monday 7pm to 9pm School Years 7-9